Monday, August 11, 2014
Cambodia 2016
Saturday, July 26, 2014
The Art Of Erasing
Sunday, July 20, 2014
How bad do we really have it as Christians in America?

"When the Islamic State people took over Mosul weeks ago, they were nice to us at first and they used to knock our door and tell us that they mean no harm to the Christians in Mosul and they even gave us a mobile number just in case we are offended by anybody," Sahir Yahya, a Christian and government employee from Mosul, said Saturday. "This changed two days ago. The Islamic State people revealed their true savage nature and intention."

Thursday, March 27, 2014
Mother of four murders four year old son she thought was gay.

"Zachary’s older sister told investigators that “Jessica and Brian” beat Zachary until he was sick. They knew he wasn't doing well, but they didn’t tell anyone, she said.
She also reported that she and her two preschool-aged brothers were put in timeout for long stretches. They were forced to “face the wall” with their hands in the air. If their arms dropped, she said, Dutro or Canady would hit them"
What the little girl said.
The girl and her two surviving brothers now live with Dutro’s relatives. "It's fun" she said
Information Sources:
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
STEaM Science fair 2014
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Should students be content with mediocre education?
The answer to that should be no but if it's yes please feel free to share your opinions in the comments below. Where you want to admit it or not education is very crucial to us as Americans, it's as Patrick Henry said give me liberty or give me death...Well give me education or give me.. definitely not death but poverty. The deprivation of education will eventually lead to death of knowledge which leads to poverty and generations of stupidity. I know the school system will say "well you have to be self motivated" but self motivation isn't enough for the people who have no example of hardwork and persistence. It's harder than what people think really it is. Even the stereotypes that are dished out to each race plays a key role in our education. When one race is labeled as dummies sure enough they will get dumber the more you label them intelligent the more intelligent they will be. Of course I know stereotypes are not an excuse (of course not) but to give an example when you are teaching a dog a trick you repeatedly say it until they get it and sit down. Another example you have a baby, you name that baby, eventually your child will start answering to that name. So yeah stereotypes do play a part. Students should want more for theirselves because in the end we are the ones who need to get a job later on not our teachers who already have one. We need to take control and not allow all this bleh blah bleh get in our way. Its so hard I know but at the same time we can do it I wonder when we will finally get our act together and perform our very best. I know we should all want top notch edu. I will never wrap my head around just settling for something less. All I know is that as for me I will get me education to the fullest. I hope everyone finds the drive to want more..