You might be confused on the whole title of this post but one thing it definitely has to do with is Iraq. Iraq has demonstrated the art of erasing almost flawlessly. I just would never understand how a country would want to eradicate all aspects of Christ, all aspects of history. I just would never understand how president Obama pushed gay rights' on anti-gay Africa yet won't push religious freedom in Iraq. I just won't understand how the pope has access to $200,000,000 annually yet all he says is let's pray for our Christian brothers and sisters. Does that even make sense? I'm tired of nobody knowing what's going on. Is it not our duty as American citizen or just citizens in general be aware and well informed on what is going on around us?!?!?!? It's sickening knowing that this is happening to other Christians yet here in America the Christians have gotten comfortable and compromising enough to not fight for what's right. Not even just Christians but citizens everywhere!!!! Have we gotten so comfortable and I guess you can say arrogant that we've turned a blind
eye to what is going in foreign countries? There are so many questions in my head that are still unanswered and it's not a good feeling. Yes your prayers are truly needed but what about finances, shelters, true God-given support!!!!! HELLOOO PEOPPLEEE!!!!!!!!! THERE ARE MANY DYING FOR SOMETHING
YOU WOULDN'T EVEN DIE FOR!!!!!!!!!! I don't even think I would!!!
Could you imagine the thoughts, the fear of actually dying for your beliefs? I'm pretty sure if most of us were faced with the option to Convert or to Die, majority will convert to save their own head. Look to Daniel 3:22 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did not bow to the idol yet stayed loyal to God. If they can form an uprising to uproot Iraqi Christians surely we can lead an uprising ourselves.
How awesome is it to be able to go home to your wife?
Aren't you blessed that you haven't been killed for being a Christian?
At least your child has not been killed for being a Christian.
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