Boys can't get raped, can they? It's impossible ! Boys will get over it.
When it comes down to boys getting molested , sexually harassed and raped(That's what it really is) all eyes turn away. The problem is, society believes that boys and men are the wrongdoers when it involves sexual assault. Though Females are more likely to be victims of rape or sexual assault (182,000) than males (40,000).I believe that there are more men and boys who have been sexually assaulted and are too ashamed to say since men are supposed to be the head of the house and strong. Being sexually assaulted is an emotional tear, it hurts you physically,emotionally so imagine a young boy going through that.Women can't rape,molest, or sexually harass.Can they?
Well the truth is they do"According to Court TV, Beth Friedman, 42, was convicted in Florida of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, Donald Vaden, because the boy claimed that when he was only 15, she offered him gifts of alcohol and drugs in exchange for sex. Her defense was that he was extorting her for money by making up lies. In the same state, Denise McBryde, 38, admitted to having sexual relations with a 15-year-old student, while in Minnesota, Julie Feil, 32, pleaded guilty to a three-month sexual affair with a student, claiming that she loved him "the best way I knew how." Kimberly Merson, 24, brought eight underage boys to her home, got them drunk, removed their clothes, and had sex with them." (Ramsland) They think just because it was "romantic" and "non violent" or a" willing" victim that all of their actions are justified, that's pure nonsense given the fact that many men are slapped with the label of sex offenders when the victims were more than willing. It's unfair that boys get overlooked when it comes to the big "R" (rape). Yes rape boys get raped. I remember a conversation with a male friend of mine who actually thought it was okay for a 14 boy to date a 20 year old woman. That's the equivalent to saying it's okay for a a 14 year old girl with a 20 year old man and see that's the problem that society has today boys are left out. I know my parents will flip if I had a 20 year old boyfriend and if my brother had a 20 year old girlfriend but what about other people? Sexual predators male and female, adult and child all have a severe effect on the lives of their victims. That's a proven fact but can we focus on the boys as well. I hope I'm making my point clear enough but can we all keep in mind girls are not the only victims.