Sunday, February 26, 2012

Child,Teens,Babies "Modeling"

Okay so as I was searching for a completely different subject for my  child labor research ,I came across a article and website that just makes me angry and sick.I am a kid to so this just completely hurt my feelings.As you know some children are forced to be prostitutes or perform lewd acts.I will get in the story but first please let me just warn you.Warning this content may be inappropriate ,sickening, and just flat out wrong if you can not bear to see this I'm telling you please don't. This is a news report on the "Safe Teenage Modeling" on Fox,2933,349834,00.html This one even more disturbing I hate to even say this but why is this even lgal WHY especially this site little girls showing their bodies this is COMPLETE nonsense disgusting and I have NO WORDS FOR THIS I mean a little girl showing people her butt and that's okay and yes I am attacking these types of websites this is Oh my just I can't explain it I mean why why WHY  We need to bond together to fight this this is not okay this is really not okay grown men out there are actually looking this saying "Oh that's hot" If there is anything I hate more it's when adults allow this to happen,sit there and watch child pornography, and think it's okay for this to go on They really need to go die in hole for this I mean all the other site were not this extreme as a twelve year old girl  I am going to stand up for what's right and fight against this even if I have to do it by myself. This is how you can help report child porn

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Forms of Child Labor

  • Restaveks  "from the French language French reste avec, "one who stays with") is a child in who is sent by their parents to work for a host household as a domestic servant because the parents lack the resources required to support the child. Restavek may refer to a child staying with a host family, but usually refers specifically to those who are abused." Excerpt from wikipedia first paragraph 
  •  Debt Bondage-When  a parent/guardian owes a debt (money etc.) and can not pay it off so therefore the children are forced to work. 
  • Human Trafficking -Forcing children to work in the field of prostitution  and/or in pornographic performances and pornography
  • Agriculture - Children laboring in fields;harvesting 
  • Street kids-Children who call the streets "home".In some cases the children just work there selling informal economy items.
  • Forced Labor-Kidnapping or tricking kids into forced labor
  There are many other forms of Child Labor these are just in my opinion the worst form of it.Please tell me in comments below if I have missed any other worst form of Child labor.Thanks.

Friday, February 24, 2012

What is Child labor?

Child labor is not universally defined but has several meaning actually.If a child is exploited, robbed of education and forced to work well that is child labour.No it's not children giving birth to another child even though a handful of people will think that.In some developing countries it's simply not called "Child Labor" because of well hello it's a different country and rules,regulations,and government  differ. In some cases children  receive very very very low minimum wage Sixty-Four cents to Eighty-Four cents.There are many countries including the United States who support  child labor by buying the products.Also there are many different forms of child labor and practices, some in the worst form (example.Human Trafficking).Can you imagine being and child younger than the legal U.S working laboring to pay off debt or just because your family doesn't have a enough money to support you and the rest of your siblings? As a kid myself I think it is just terribly horrific of what the children have to do.